Giganti Watches
Genuine insights and straightforward opinions on the world's finest watches, from everyday pieces to ultimate grails.
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👩🚀 Gravity is such a drag...
🌕 🌖 🌗 🌘 🌑 🌒 🌓 🌔 🌕
This watch is for one person only 🛩️ 🗺️ 🚁
🤤 😍 Reunited and it feels sooo good!
🥊 Featherweight Champion: Exploring the RM 67-02's Airy Excellence
New.. old school 🎓
🔫 Ferrell... Will Ferrell
Breaking away from the leather strap tradition 💪
🔴 🔵 A true Rolex icon - The Rolex GMT-Master II
💎 Diamonds are everyone's best friend